Hey everyone... This is kind of an update on where God has taken me these past few days! Hopefully it will inspire someone else!
It might seem a little chaotic in thought because there were several, I do mean SEVERAL messages so these words are basically a short overview from the things God revealed. The first thing that God did for me was confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that the actions that I have taken when it comes to standing up for the truths of His word have not been in vain! To not live in FEAR, OK, so that being said I guess I can call it a night... ha ha ha! (Christine Caine) "God is not a God of expirations" I mean take Sarah for instance, she was "Past the age of childbearing" and God certainly had the option to allow her to conceive at a "normal" age, but He didn't... He needed to show Himself God, to make it so that no one but Him could receive the glory!
Then, Mary Faulkner taught on Abilgail and the fact that her leadership, her husband, was a Fool, Literally his name means "Fool". She purposed that when his ignorance and arrogance had threatened her livelihood and the lives of her family was indangered because of him she made a choice. She saddeled up her donkey and took off to meet David herself. Then the unthinkable, she basically called him out, she said... "You shouldn't have a troubled conscience because you spilled blood for no good reason and claimed your own victory" (1 Samuel 25:31. Seriously, she called out David, the man who was coming to destroy everything that she held dear, and God spared her! But the most impactful part of this message was the fact that , "When Abigail saw David, she hurried and got down from the donkey and fell before David on her face and bowed to the ground. She fell at his feet and said, "On me alone, my lord, be the guilt...let not my lord regard this worthless fool, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he." 1 Samuel 25: 23-25. Really, she humbled herself to fall before his feet, but then rose to speak with boldness and truth! Wow, God is so good!
Then Charolette Gambill's Message on Influence, utterly amazing. She taught on the passage in Mark 6 about John the baptist... See, John the Baptist had confronted King Herod on the sin that he was living in, and his wife got ticked. She was in fact so mad that she fumed and became obsessed with the destruction of John the baptist. One day when his daughter had won favor in his (Herod) eyes he told her that she could ask for anything up to half the kingdom... and she went and saught the council of her mom... what did she say? The HEAD! See, it may not seem that impactful just reading my words and I definitey do her sermon an injustice, but the part that resonates with me is that sometime when you call something out in someone that affects them and they don't want to change it, well it honestly just ticks them off and they begin to fume on it, and stew on it, and when the "opportune time" presents itself they will stop at nothing to get "the head". I have actually heard this sermon 3 times before and this time it hit me so hard because I am currently in that place. I have taken some stands, had some confrontations and it seems like I am in the place where it won't stop until my head is on a platter! But there is hope, because God will be glorifed, and the challenge that I take away is to watch.... To be careful to make sure that I don't become like this. To always take the challenges from others if they line up with Scripture, and let it go. To not pick up that grude and stew on it, and allow it to shade my life! Always be mindful of your influence! What fragrance do you give off, " love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, and gentleness... or strife, jealousy, fits of anger, and envy"? Wow, what a challenge!
This next part was utterly amazing... I promise that it was as if I was the only one in the room! (Charolette G) spoke about allowing God to take us "the long way around" to be where he wants because in the process "He will get the glory". See, sometimes it's easy to feel like God has just left us in a state of slow motion, like you're traveling through glue or something, but it's not just to be mean or cruel... there are things that He wants us to accomplish along the way, I will just share open and honestly with you. I have been in a state of heartache for sometime now, because several years ago I surrendered to the call of ministry on my life. I knew that I would be a wife, and a mother, and a worship leader. Several months ago I was asked to come on staff at a local church as the worship leader, and Jeremy and I prayed long and hard, and sought many Godly counselors about it, and as we moved forward we knew that it wasn't the time or place! It was devistating to me, but I knew that God was saying "prepare your heart, be ready to serve, and I will lead you where I want you." That has been honestly one of the toughest things for me to do! I know it's the call on my life, and I don't understand why the "not now" but I do have HOPE! He hasn't left me, he's just taking me the long way around! And in the mean time, I will ready my heart and tune in to hear his words!!!
Last but not least, (Chris Caine) spoke in 1 Corinthians 12:12, "For just as the body is one and has many memebers, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ" Through this passage she was talking about the significance of each member and each calling we have on our lives. Even when we are knowing that we are shaped to be a teacher, preacher, servant or prophet, there may be times when he stretches us and puts us in situations where we are growing in other areas. For me, again as I've already shared, I went this week longing to hear from God... That He hadn't forgotten me, that He didn't call me to take stands, lose friends, lose positions, and go through this time of despair and wondering for nothing... He will use me! I know the call on my life, and I know what He has fastened me for it, so until that time, He is just growing me, and shaping me to be the woman that He needs in order for me to glorify His name! It's not with out hope, and it's not without questioning, but He is faithful....
I want to leave you guys with one more thing and it comes from a Chris Tomlin song, "And if our God is for us, then who can ever stop us, and if our God is for us, then what can stand against"! Dear friends, no truer words could ever come from my hands... "Who can ever stop you, and what can stand against you"... My God is for you!!!!!!
I pray that all who read will gain strength and encouragement and know that He loves you more than you will ever know!!! Blessings dear one!